For economic and ecological reasons, lightweight constructions, in particular made by fiber-reinforced plastics, play an increasing role in civil engineering as well as in mechanical engineering. Applications are automotive bodies made of CFK (carbon fiber reinforced plastic) or bridges made of GFK (glass fiber reinforced plastic).
The module provides basic knowledge about fiber-reinforced materials (plastics), the production processes, as well as the design and calculation of fiber composite light-weight structures. In addition, approval questions are addressed and typical application examples from civil engineering and mechanical engineering are given. An excursion to the German Aerospace Center (DLR) will be offered as part of the course.
- Introduction to lightweight composites
- Initial materials and semi-finished products
- Production process
- Construction and designing
- Admission and permission
- Practical examples in Civil engineering and mechanical engineering

30167 Hannover


Head of Research Unit Composites
30167 Hannover

Head of Research Unit Composites