In order to support students in the field of the methods of statics, the Institute providesvarious software packages for the analysis of beam, shelland grid structures. Demo versions are available for free to students.On request of several interested companies, commercial versions arealso be provided. Further information can be obtained by Mr. Römgens (email ).
STAB2D is a menu-driven program for the calculation of beam structures loaded in their plane. With the help of this program, students can follow and understand the topics of the courses Statics, Beam Structures, Basics of Statically Indeterminate Beam Structures and Nonlinear Statics of Beam and Shell Structures and verify their hand-calculations (internal forces, deformations, etc.). Results can be output graphically or in tabular form. STAB2D is available under Windows XP / 7 / 8 / 8.1 Pro / 10.
![[Translate to English:] Darstellung einer Biegelinie](
![[Translate to English:] Darstellung einer Biegelinie](
![[Translate to English:] Darstellung einer Biegelinie](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung eines Biegemomentverlaufs](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung eines Biegemomentverlaufs](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung eines Biegemomentverlaufs](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung Querkraftverlauf an einem Bauwerk](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung Querkraftverlauf an einem Bauwerk](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung Querkraftverlauf an einem Bauwerk](
SEBBES is a menu-driven program for the calculation of beam grids loaded perpendicular to their plane. With this program the students are able to follow the teaching contents to the courses Statics, beam structures and Basics of Statically Indeterminate Beam Structures.The students will be able to verify results from their hand-calculations. Internal forces, deformations and reaction forces can be displayed graphically or in tabular form. SEBBES is available under Windows XP / 7 / 8 / 8.1 Pro / 10.
ROTASS is a menu-driven program for the analysis of rotationally symmetric shells under rotationally symmetric loads. The contents to be taught in the course Slabs, Plates and Shellsare summarized and integrated in this program. Therefore, ROTASS is a useful support to follow this course and to verify the results of hand-calculations. Results are displayed graphically or in tabular form. ROTASS Version 1.34 is available under Windows XP / 7 / 8 / 8.1 Pro / 10.
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung des Momentenverlaufs phi](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung des Momentenverlaufs phi](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung des Momentenverlaufs phi](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung der Normalkraft theta](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung der Normalkraft theta](
![[Translate to English:] graphische Darstellung der Normalkraft theta](
![[Translate to English:] tabellarische Darstellung von Ergebnissen einer Berechnung](
![[Translate to English:] tabellarische Darstellung von Ergebnissen einer Berechnung](
![[Translate to English:] tabellarische Darstellung von Ergebnissen einer Berechnung](