Research Focus
- Noise mitigation of offshore piling noise
- Noise mitigation system: Bubble Curtain
- Linear FE-modelling of the sound propagation
- Integral modelling of the bubble curtain
- since 2013: Research associate at the Institute of Structural Analysis
(Leibniz Universität Hannover)
- 2011 – 2013: Master’s programme: "Production Engineering: Mechanical Engineering" (Universität Bremen), master thesis "Simulation of the air flow and temperature distribution in the autoclave-process to define thermal boundary conditions during the curing of composite parts"
- 2011: Master’s preparation programme (Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg)
- 2007 – 2011: Bachelor’s programme: "Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering" (Hochschule Bremen), bachelor thesis "Vibration damping of wind energy turbines"