Journal Papers
(2021): Numerical Life Prediction of Unidirectional Fiber Composites under Block Loading Conditions using a Progressive Fatigue Damage Model, International Journal of Fatigue, 2021, 106159
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(2020): Numerical Modeling and Experimental Validation of Fatigue Damage in Cross-Ply CFRP Composites under Inhomogeneous Stress States, Composites Part B: Engineering, 2020, 108050
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(2019): Influence of Reversed Fatigue Loading on Damage Evolution of Cross-Ply Carbon Fibre Composites, Materials 2019, 12(7), 1153
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(2019): Evaluation and Modeling of the Fatigue Damage Behavior of Polymer Composites at Reversed Cyclic Loading, Materials 2019, 12(11), 1727
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(2019): Numerical modelling and simulation of fatigue damage in carbon fibre reinforced plastics at different stress ratios, Thin-Walled Structures, (139), p. 219-231
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(2018): A Structural Design Concept for a Multi-Shell Blended Wing Body with Laminar Flow Control, Energies 2018, 11(2), 383
(2019): An energy-based model for the fatigue analysis of fiber reinforced composite structures under load reversals, Review of Aeronautical Fatigue Investigations in Germany during the Period April 2017 to March 2019, 36th Conference & 30th Symposium of the International Committee on Aeronautical Fatigue and Structural Integrity (ICAF), Krakow, Poland
(2019): Experimental Investigation and Numerical Simulation of Fatigue Damage in CFRP Composites under Complex Stress States, 7th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites (COMPOSITES 2019), Girona, Spain
(2018): Layer-based fatigue damage modelling and experimental validation for carbon fibre reinforced plastics under different stress ratios., 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics (ECCOMAS), Glasgow, UK
(2018): Simulation of the fatigue damage behavior of carbon composites under consideration of manufacturing induced residual stresses, 7th International Conference on Fatigue of Composites (ICFC 7), Vicenza, Italy
(2019): Modeling and Simulation of Fatigue Damage behavior in Carbon Composites under Tension-Compression Load Reversals, CCeV-Thementag „Ermüdung und strukturelle Integrität von Composites“, St. Valentin, Austria
(2018): Applications of a physically based fatigue damage model for composite and hybrid structures., FULLCOMP Workshop 2018, Bordeaux, France