Precise measuring system for contactless recording and analysis of the dynamic flow behaviour of wind turbine rotor blades (PreciWind)

Led by: | Prof. Dr-Ing. habil. Raimund Rolfes, PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Cristian Guillermo Gebhardt |
Team: | Daniel Schuster, M. Sc., Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Christian Hente, M.Sc. |
Year: | 2020 |
Funding: | Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie - FKZ 03EE3013B |
Duration: | 01.01.2020 – 31.12.2022 |
Within the framework of the PreciWind project, a mobile thermographic measuring system for the continuous recording and analysis of the dynamic flow behaviour of rotor blades on wind turbines in operation is being developed. With the system developed for use on operational turbines in wind parks, the aerodynamic performance of wind turbines in operation can be quantified and evaluated. The analysis of the boundary layer flow conditions is carried out with a geometrically high-resolution infrared camera in the long-wave radiation range. In combination with a laser distance measuring system to record the rotor blade distance and geometry, the measuring system is fixed on a co-rotating measuring system carrier in order to examine the flow behaviour during a complete revolution of the rotor for the first time. This arrangement enables the compensation of the relative movements between the measuring system and the wind turbine rotor and at the same time enables an analysis of the structural dynamics of the wind turbine due to changing force effects within a rotor revolution. Using a mobile power supply, measurements can be carried out in real wind park conditions from distances of up to 300 m to the wind turbine. The main task of the ISD is to numerically investigate the full measuring activities by applying the concept of a digital twin. A virtual image of the wind energy turbine and the entire measurement system will be designed in detail. To determine effective positions and adjustments of the measurement system, various simulations under different environment conditions will be performed. A validation of the simulations is carried out using high-quality measurement data.